Healthy Food Made Easy
For more information on The Glen Resource Centre – Healthy Food Made Easy Click HERE
Healthy Food Made Easy is a 6 week nutrition and cookery course developed by HSE community dietitians. This course helps participants to make affordable healthier choices when shopping, cooking and eating to improve their longterm health.
Each session lasts 2 to 2 and half hours and includes activities on healthy eating & practical group cookery
The Glen Resource Centre coordinates these programmes in the Slaintecare ‘Healthy Communities’ (SHC) area across the northside of Cork city which are free to join (Knocknaheeny, Churchfield, Gurranabraher, Farranee, Farranferris, Fair hill, The Glen, Mayfield, Blackpool). Programmes also offered elsewhere across Cork city & county but no further availabilty in 2024 (awaiting new delivery partner to coordinate). These community groups can log their interest with the Glen Resource Centre to be added to a waiting list for 2025.
The aim of the programme is to improve the nutritional knowledge and eating habits of participants which in turn can ultimately help reduce diet related chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer.
Who can take part in this programme?
This course is aimed at adults with limited budget & cooking skills who want to learn more about healthy eating. Individuals or existing community groups can sign-up for the programme. Some of our groups have included young parents, men/women living alone with poor cooking skills, adults moving from care into independent living etc..
Courses are delivered face-to-face and online.
Ideally a group number of 10-12 participants would suit best. – A minimum of 8 confirmed people MUST be available for the course to go ahead.
Programmes are usually run in the venue where groups regularly meet – a group space & basic kitchen area is needed. Groups may be asked to make a small contribution to the cost of this programme, usually to cover cost of ingredients.
Upcoming Courses:
Details of all upcoming courses can be found by clicking the button below. Courses can also be arranged for an appropriate target group at local level as per demand.
Click Here for upcoming course dates
Course Includes:
- Participant Booklet.
- Visit from a community dietitian on week 5/6.
- Weekly educational element.
- Weekly group cooking
- Advice & Tips for healthy eating.
- Healthy Eating recipes for all the family.
Contact details:
HFME Co-ordinator
021 4550511

Session 1
‘Building a Food Pyramid’
(introducing healthy eating guidelines)

Session 2
‘The Fibre Providers’
(Fibre in cereals, fruit & vegetables)

Session 3
‘Focus on Fats’
(learning about the good & bad fats)

Session 4
‘Food for Life’
(family eating, childrens’ diets)

Session 5
‘Shop Smart’
(Shopping on a budget, food labelling)

Session 6
‘The Road Ahead’
(planning long term changes in eating habits)