This free & confidential service, which is funded by the HSE, is hosted by The Caha Family Resource Centre in Adrigole, West Cork.
Essentially Social Prescribing, or Community Referral as it is sometimes known, is a new name for an old idea: that people are happier and healthier when they are connected to their community.
Who is it for? Anyone over 18 years of age who would like to make a change in their lives or who is going through a transition in their lives and would like some support whilst going through this change.
How does it work? People can self-refer to the service or can be referred by a health professional. The Link Worker will spend time talking to you about your interests and what changes you might like to make in your life. This could be to meet new people, learn a new skill, take up a new hobby or new form of exercise, link in with a support group for a specific issue, etc. The Link Worker will support you in identifying and setting health and wellbeing goals for yourself and assist you in setting up a simple plan which will help you to achieve these goals.
Many people have found social prescribing to be a very beneficial way to support their health and wellbeing. If you are interested to find out more or have any questions about this service please call Jennifer for a chat on 083-1491543.
For more information follow us on:
Facebook: Health and Wellbeing Community Referral Caha Centre
Instagram: cahahealthwellbeing

The CAHA Centre,
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