Cork Sports Partnership has partnered with the HSE and Physiotherapy Department to roll out this exciting new programme in Cork.
To learn more about this check out the Cork Sports Partnership page by clicking HERE
The Staying Fit for the Future with Better Balance Better Bones is a physical activity programme that will improve strength and balance as well as your general aerobic fitness.
Staying Fit for the Future with Better Balance Better Bones is a weekly exercise class in a community setting that will challenge and train components needed for maintaining good independent movement (strength, flexibility, range of movement, static and dynamic balance) which will allow one to therefore challenge/train the cardiovascular system through other forms of exercise and the environmental factors such as steps, paths, darkness, hills etc. will not become an obstacle to continued confidence participation in society.
Who is the programme aimed at:
This programme is suitable for adults who walk unaided and want to stay strong on their feet and falls free for life. It is not suitable for people who have fallen in the past 12 months or who use a walking stick or frame.
If you are wondering if the programme is suitable please attempt the following simple test of balance and strength:
Cross your arms across your chest, then keeping your arms crossed stand on 1 leg, now close your eyes and stand tall and steady for 10 seconds…
If you find yourself a good bit more wobbly than you expected, then this programme is for you! Classes are delivered by exercise professionals who have been trained by HSE Physiotherapists in the Staying Fit For the Future, Better Balance Better Bones programme.
Programme Details:
- Start Date: Week commencing the 25th September 2023 – 32 locations
- Length – 10 weeks
- Cost: €63.60
Programme Includes:
- Participant Booklet.
- Advice & Tips for staying active
How to book a place in one of our classes:
New participants can book a place on the upcoming programme here – New Participant Booking
Returning Participants can book a place on the upcoming programme here – Returning Participant Booking
For all other bookings, please contact Cork Sports Partnership on 021 4347096
Upcoming SFF Venues & Times – Click Here