What is Health and Wellbeing Community Referral?
Community Referral is a free service supporting the health and wellbeing of the community through spending time linking people into local activities in Ballincollig. We will meet with you in the Ballincollig Family Resource Centre and spend time talking to you about what activities interest you, explore hobbies with you and the benefits of participating in them, and will assist and support you in attending these activities, checking in to make sure you are enjoying yourself and that whatever you are linked to is suiting your needs!
Community Referral involves linking a person into community-based activities and supports in the Ballincollig area, such as exercise, art, reading and gardening, computer classes, personal development with a view to employment and many more.
The Community Referral is a new way for an old idea, that people are happier and healthier when they are connected to their community.
Who is this for?
Anyone who is over 18, who wants a change. The programme is for you if you feel that you need some support to mind your mental health and wellbeing or if you feel isolated, stressed, anxious, lonely, or simply enjoy the company of others.
Get in Contact
If you feel like you want to take a positive step forward but you’re not sure how or might need some support to take that step come talk to us or give a call on the contacts provided. Using resources within the Ballincollig community we will help you get the most out of your community.
Provides you with opportunities to:
• Learn a new skill or participate in a new activity
• Improve your mental and physical health
• Meet new people
• Receive social support from others
• Increase self-confidence and self-esteem
• Become involved in your community
• Talk to us today to find a group or activity which best suits your interests.
We hold a large number of activities and groups in the Ballincollig Resource Centre and work in conjunction with a wide variety of groups and clubs in the Ballincollig area.
Centre Website

Station Rd,
Co. Cork.