Improving Health & Wellbeing through Social Prescribing
Social Prescribing helps adults with social and more practical needs to improve your wellbeing by using your own interests and abilities, therefore it aims to support you to take greater control of your own health. Social Prescribing, sometimes referred to as Community Referral tackles loneliness and isolation by linking you with local supports and activities within your area. Referrals can come from any GP, health professional or you yourself. It is a free service which can help you to get back on track if you find yourself in a rut!
Social Prescribing helps improve your…
- Social Health;
- Physical Health;
- Emotional Health;
- and very importantly your Mental Health & Wellbeing
How does it work.
Either your GP or health professional will refer you to us or indeed the simplest thing would be just to give us a call or drop into the Killeshandra Family Resource Centre for a chat. Our Social Prescribing Coordinator, will have a conversation with you in relation to what you understand your needs to be. Many of us don’t always know what indeed our need may be. We have a range of tools and exercises which we will work through together and we can come up with your own individual well-being plan. We will get you connected with your chosen activity. We will check back in with you after three weeks and again after six weeks to discuss how you are getting on.
Social prescribing allows for you to become a partner in maintaining your own health with the focus on health rather than illness.
For many GPs, a patient may come in with a health problem but the GP can see that if they could just walk out of the surgery into an exercise class, a social group, addiction support or to go to someone about financial or housing advice, they could get so much more than they would by filling a prescription at the nearest chemist. Your GP may make recommendations for local activities, there might even be some leaflets in the waiting room, or posters on the noticeboard. The thing is, if you’re suffering with low self-esteem or motivation or at the lowest ebb in your life, you probably won’t have the organisational skills to research the number or to turn up to a class?
That’s where we come in – as your Social Prescribing Service – we will work with you. We will do the research for you and can make the initial contact with the group for you. If it’s gardening, walking, reading, knitting, it doesn’t matter. It’s just all about the social connection, the actual people bit. It is about connecting the dots between you and the community resources available to you!
Something as simple as going to a knitting group twice a week or joining a Men’s or Hen’s shed, a choir or a walking group, can open up a whole new world for you! Through learning a new skill or participating in a new activity you can improve your quality of life and emotional wellbeing, mental, physical and general wellbeing, and levels of depression and anxiety.
Here in Killeshandra Family Resource Centre our Social Prescribing facility provides a wraparound service for all of our community and communities! Please call for a chat about your interests and we can work with you to connect you with a group or activity which best suits your needs!

Portaliff Glebe
Co. Cavan
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