West Cork Wellbeing Network
There are lots of opportunities to Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Connect and Give available in your local community.
Click on your area below to find out what activities are available in your community or check out the map.








Disclaimer: The website is an information resource about wellbeing.
The material contained on this website is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute care, treatment or other professional advice. Due to the general nature of the information on this site, should you require specific help, you should seek the assistance of an appropriately trained professional person.
While every care has been taken in the preparation of the information, due to the nature of the website, the information may not be complete, correct or up to date. Please contact activity providers for validation of information.
Please contact ita.murphy@nln.ie should you wish to have information update or removed from this website.
The Wellbeing Network, West Cork
National Learning Network Bantry t: 027 51027 e: wellbeingnetwork@nln.ie
Kevin O'Shanahan t: 086 7872481 e: kevin.oshanahan@hse.ie