Healthy Eating Active Living

WellComm Active – Active Communities are Well Communities

WellComm Active is a community health and wellbeing initiative that seeks to empower citizens to manage their own health through increased physical activity and improved diet. The initiative will focus on programmes that support healthy eating active living and encourage people to live independently in their own communities for as long as possible.
Coordinated by Cork Sports Partnership and supported by Cork Kerry Community Healthcare Health and Wellbeing, the aim of this initiative is to support better health and increased physical activity among key populations in Cork.

*This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 140.

Download the WellComm Active Leaflet here!

Eoin Kaar (Project Lead, WellComm Active)
086 1409 225

The programmes delivered through the WellComm Active Initiative are:

Healthy Food Made Easy

A 6 week peer-led nutrition and cookery course developed by community dieticians, aimed at helping people of all ages to make affordable healthier choices when shopping, cooking and eating which in turn can ultimately help reduce diet related conditions. All weeks include a theory section and a cookery section.
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An 8 week physical activity intervention programme to help physically inactive people become more active through Move Mentors and Move Mentees. Physically active adults undergo training and recruit a physically inactive adult to the programme. By the end of the period the participant will reach the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity per week on a regular basis and maintain it as a long term habit.
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Neuro Functional Training

As part of the initiative we are currently assessing the location of a new Neuro Functional Training Zone for Cork for people who have had a single neurological event or people with progressive chronic neurological conditions. This will facilitate users to train optimally and engage in a sustainable exercise programme.
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Project Weightloss

A 12 week exercise intervention programme for overweight and inactive individuals with the primary aim of providing an opportunity for inactive or sedentary people to experience exercise appropriate to their ability and needs and to lose weight in a safe, controlled manner. Low impact exercise sessions are run twice a week for 12 weeks.
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Staying Fit for the Future

An 8-12 week physical activity programme for adults and older adults to improve strength & balance, range of movement, flexibility, bone strength, muscle power & falls prevention. Sessions are delivered by CSP tutors, upskilled by HSE Physiotherapists in the Better Balance Better Bones programme.
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