49 North Street
Creating Alchemy in the Mental Health Services
49 North Street Events Programme
Please note: The majority of our programme takes place indoors. However, meditation and mindful movement sometimes take place outdoors in a covered/heated space at the rear of the premises. For these groups, clothing appropriate to the outdoors is recommended.
For further information on the programme contact Kevin O’ Shanahan

West Cork Feel Good Festival Programme 2024
1-31 October 2024
The West Cork Feel Good Festival, organised by 49 North St in Skibbereen and a broad range of community partners, takes place every October to coincide with World Mental Health day. This year, celebrating its 12th anniversary, there are events and workshops across many West Cork towns and villages including: Adrigole, Ardgroom, Ballydehob, Bantry, Castletownbere, Clonakilty, Dunmanway, Glengarriff, Kealkill, Leap, Rosscarbery, Schull, and Skibbereen.
Little shifts can make a big difference to mental health and wellbeing. The sudden realisation that, yes, we ARE creative (even if we’ve been led to believe that this is beyond us) and yes, we ARE valuable in our own right and therefore worthy of connection. The festival is full of experiential workshops that offer moments of exploration, discovery, and connection. Processes that help us grow as individuals and as a community – via tools such as the creative arts, listening, peer support, creativity, mindfulness, the Irish language.

Award winning film ‘An Open Door’ explores how a pioneering initiative in West Cork provides a space for hope and recovery for the local community using co-production and collaboration at its foundation.
Clcik Here to view the full film.
Kevin O’Shanahan
t: 086 7872481
e: kevin.oshanahan@hse.ie
49 North Street, Skibbereen, Co. Cork