Newsletter for up-to-date events and news
The Wellbeing Network, Beara West Family Resource Centre and members of the newly formed “Beara Community Action Network” have joined together to produce a quarterly newsletter celebrating and promoting community opportunities on Beara to promote your wellbeing.
The New Economics Foundation suggest there are 5 things we can do for our wellbeing on a daily basis – Be Active, Connect, Keep Learning, Give and Take Notice. We’ve brought together just some of the opportunities to promote your wellbeing on Beara in a seasonal newsletter.
Festival Review…
We counted 16 festivals in Beara between June and September! Perhaps there were more!
The festivals celebrated music, visual art, film,
photography, writing and spoken word performance, sport & games, the sea and our natural surroundings, history and cultural heritage, pets, food, family and community.
Loads of the exhibitions, workshops and activities were low cost or free, suitable for all ages and organised by volunteers many of whom work year-round to fundraise and plan for these special events.
- Adrigole FestivalAllihies Family Festival
- Allihies Inspires Festival
- A Taste of West Cork Festival
- Beara Arts Festival
- Beara Film Festival
- Bere Island Festival, Regatta + Sailing Week Castletownbere Festival of the Sea + Regatta Cul Camps + Beara United Sports
- Day Eyeries Family Festival + Ball Run
- Foroige Summer Camps
- Garnish Family Festival
- Jim Dowling Ullieann Pipe and Trad Festival Michael Dwyer Festival
- Travara Regatta
- West Cork History Festival
If you know about a festival that we missed tell us about it here and we’ll include it in the next edition
Keep Learning…
Beara Further Education Centre kicks off its programme.
Monday | Sewing | Level 3 |
Monday | Food Choice and Health | Level 2 |
Tuesday | Art and Design | Level 3 |
Tuesday | Art (Drawing & Painting) | Level 4 |
Tuesday | Using Technology | Level 2 |
Tuesday | Internet Skills | Level 3 |
Tuesday | Word Processing | Level 3 |
Tuesday | English for Speakers of Other Languages | Level 2 |
Tuesday | English for Speakers of Other Languages | Level 3 |
Friday | Listening & Speaking | Level 2 |
TBC/Various | Irish | Non- Accredited |
To enrol on any of the courses below please Call: Noreen on 086 8239147 / Email: of courses in September.
Being able to express ourselves and feel confident and relaxed in our own skin is an important part of wellbeing.
This new campaign, devised by Viktorija, offers free consultations to discuss how you can dress to suit your body shape, feel confident and boost your wellbeing. Viktorija writes a blog about body confidence which you can find at and is teaming up with local businesses to provide the advice and support.
Following the beautiful “Float” exhibition by local artist Nadette Charlet the Mine Museum Art Gallery hosts “Voices of the Land” a solo exhibition by American artist Margaret Dukeman during September. Entry to the exhibition is free.
The HSE and Cork Library Service have prepared a handy list to direct you to a range of self help resources to promote and protect your mental health in general and in light of particular emotions or experiences like anger, anxiety or grief.
The project is in collaboration with the HSE and is called Your Good Self. They have lists for adults and children and teens. Pop into the library or Family Resource Centre to enquire or find details online.
Festival season meant that loads of local arts, crafts and produce were on display from local growers and makers. The White Room offered opportunities for stalls inside and outside and a great time was had by all. What could be better than finding a beautiful bargain and supporting a local business.
Be on the lookout for more announcements from whiteRoom! On top of our weekly Social Lunch (Tuesdays, 12:00-3:00 PM) and monthly Poetry Club (last Friday of every month, 8:00 PM), we’re going to start hosting concerts, films, and various performance art events in the actionHall. Located on The Square in Castletownbere, come in any time to have a coffee and see what is coming up!
In August Beara Bereavement Group welcomed Susan Delaney of the Irish Hospice Foundation to Dzogchen Beara. She led an excellent day workshop on supporting people experiencing grief that drew on her extensive professional experience. If you have experienced bereavement or loss and would value the free support of a trained, volunteer listener get in touch call 027 70998 or email
Singing is fantastic for wellbeing! It brings us together, helps us express ourselves, learn from others and gives us an awareness of our body and our breathing. The Allihies Singers are an informal group who meet to share songs and stories on the last Tuesday of the month at about 9pm at a pub in Allihies – check posters on Facebook or contact Johnny 087 1460595. Singers and listeners are all welcome. In July the Men’s Shed brought some wonderful singers fresh from their woodwork – their talent knows no bounds!
Beara Community Singers are back in action at the end of September and meet 7.30-9pm every Wednesday evening in the Sarah Walker Gallery. The cost is approx. €5 euro per session to pay for the professional leader and the hire of the wonderful space. No need to book, just come to join in. Contact Maureen for further details 086 0386277.
Men’s Groups meet in Tuosist on Wednesdays, 7.30pm @ Tuosist Parish Hall and in Ardgroom on Thursdays, 8pm @ Caha Centre, Ardgroom.
Bingo is on in Tuosist Parish Hall on Wednesdays @ 8.30pm and on Tuesdays at the Caha Centre Adrigole @ 8.15pm. BEARA BEREAVEMENT GROUP LISTENING SERVICE
New members are sincerely welcomed by all groups, for more information call the Centre on 027 60909 and ask for Lizzie
Beara West Family Resource Centre is here to support to your mental health and wellbeing. We provide:
- Emotional and Practical Supports
- Low-cost Counselling
- Bereavement Supports including listening service
- Wellbeing Promotion Activities
- Mental Health Training & Education
- Referral/linking to relevant services
Pop in to see us opposite Skippers Bar Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm Call us on 027 70998 or email
Keep Active…
As the days gets shorter it can be tougher to keep moving… but you will always feel better for it! Fortunately there are a variety of options available to people at all levels of fitness.
Every second month the Eyeries Walking Group meet for four consecutive Saturdays for easy walking around the environs of Eyeries village.. that’s 24 walks per year! We started in January 2017. Meeting place outside Eyeries church at 12 noon. Time commitment one hour per session. Watch for posters locally. Text 086 1712670 if further information needed. Supported by Get Ireland Walking/ Irish Heart Foundation.
Beara AC are working with existing races in Allihies and Eyeries and a new race on Bere Island to create the opportunity of a 5 mile series organised by runners for runners and walkers, locally and hopefully from across the county. The big incentive for local “bling hunters” is the beautifully designed medals. You can find out more and register at
Indoor strength training for men and women who want to stay fit for the future. The programme, designed by Cork Sports Partnership and delivered by Pam from Pilates and Fitness Beara, will start again at Eyeries Hall on September 9th! Call 027 70998 to book a place.
The Bearacudas are a mixed-ability, informal group who meet up to swim and socialise off Beara beaches. Here are some of us at a favourite spot – Glenbeg Lake.
September and October in local waters are warmer than March and April, so autumn is a great time to take the plunge! Outdoor/cold water swimming – even “dipping” for a few minutes at a time – has been shown to have mental health benefits.
In this picture there’s a rower, a triathlete a masters swimmer and a marathon runner … but there is fortunately also a fantastic baker and cookies were enjoyed minutes after this photo was taken! We don’t get cookies every time but we always have good craic. If you want to join our Whatsapp group drop a line including your phone number to
Irish guidelines for activity in adults suggest everyone over the age of 18 get 150 minutes (30 minutes x 5 days) of moderate exercise a week. Moderate activity includes brisk walking. As we get older it is recommended we also focus on balance and strength to improve bone density and help us have the best chance of healthy aging. Some activity is better than none, more is better than some!
Take Notice…
Although we love to see a tidy town you might have noticed some corners of the town are re-wilded in order to be more welcoming for wildlife. Barry is in this picture with a demonstration bee hive made locally and donated by West Cork Bee Association. There is also a wild flower garden by the Castletownbere GAA pitch. Why not follow their lead an leave a corner of your own garden wild for wildlife? Bee-friend the bees!
Beara West Family Resource Centre & Foroige (Beara Youth Project) have teamed up to offer a youth arts & citizenship project funded by the National Youth Council of Ireland.
Young people are invited to contribute to a public art project. The challenge is for Young People to “Make their mark” and demonstrate the concerns, interests
and identity of young people with the help of fantastic Eyeries artist Brian O’Sullivan. The project will run September to December 2019 inquiries to
We all know how important it is to take notice of our children growing up but sometimes it can be difficult for parents to feel they are really fully connecting with childcare providers.
Technological solutions can take us part way to an answer! Friends Forever Childcare will be using the Child Paths App to help parents monitor and understand their child’s development and be more aware of the day-to-day activities of the service.
Anyone interested in registering their child with the childcare service should contact Friends Forever on 027 70722. Parents can find out more about the app on
The inaugural Rufts Dog Show was held during the Bere Island Festival this year. It was a celebration of our relationship with our four-legged friends. Though some might be more agile, more talented or better behaved, they are all special to their owners.
Having pets can be a comfort, a pleasure and great for our wellbeing, but for some they are an essential therapy or tool for independence. Rufts Dog Show proudly supported Dogs for the Disabled who provide high quality assistance dogs free of charge to children and adults living with physical disabilities. You can find out more and make a donation via their website www.dogsfordisabled. ie. Well done to all those involved in organising this event!
LAST is the first point of contact for those in the Irish fishing industry/community who have lost a family member at sea.
They provide immediate financial assistance for families of commercial fishermen lost at sea, as well as providing help with accessing a range of advice and support services needed by those affected by such tragedies.
Beara St Vincent De Paul Shop, next to Centra/Beara Fitness is open Thursdays and Fridays 10am – 5.30pm and Saturdays 11am-2pm.
As part of Castletownbere Festival of the Sea, LAST managed to raise €1,160 for their projects. You can learn more about LAST, their work and how to donate by contacting and find them on Facebook.
Have you a way with words and an eye for detail? Could you offer just a few hours a month to collect, chase and collate information on completed and forthcoming wellbeing activities on Beara? I’m hoping to put together a small team to help make sure this newsletter faithfully reports and promotes community activities for a diversity of age groups and interests and helps community groups reach their target audience. If you can help drop me a line. or 027 70998.
Are you looking for volunteers? Do you want to promote opportunities here for free? Email
Beara St Vincent De Paul Shop, next to Centra/Beara Fitness is open Thursdays and Fridays 10am – 5.30pm and Saturdays 11am-2pm.
Support them by dropping in good quality items you no longer need and pop in to see their latest ranges – recently spotted doing a roaring trade in Back to School gear!
The SVP do brilliant work in supporting those in need in the local community. All profits from the local shop go to help local people. Please continue to support them.
Coming up / Dates for Your Diary Sept-Dec
10 September – World Suicide Prevention Day
Suicide is the leading cause of death among people 14 – 25 in many European countries. Suicide prevention is community concern, everyone can play a role in suicide Look out for loads more information in our Christmas/New Year Edition which will take us through the festive season until the end of March. prevention by being aware of those around them and being available as a listening ear. Awareness is important to end the stigma surrounding depression and suicide.
The Family Resource Centre Network are supporting World Suicide Prevention Day. Show your support for suicide prevention, lost loved ones and survivors of suicide by lighting a candle near a window at 8pm on September 10th. More information on
Contact Pam direct or call Beara Family Resource Centre 027 70998. The course is subsidised by Cork Sports Partnership making it only €5 a session.
12 & 26 September – Citizen’s Information Drop in
Citizen’s Information Drop In @ Beara West Family Resource Centre 10am – 1pm
14 September – Tour De Beara
The Tour de Beara is a mass participation leisure sportive, run by a local not-for-profit Community group. Taking place on the second Saturday of September annually, the Tour de Beara is the Blue Riband event in the cycling calendar.
Following the old Cork Rebel Tour route thousands of participants take part in the event annually with 160k and 85k routes to choose from. All funds raised from the event will go directly to local charities and associations along the Beara peninsula.
For further information and to register visit and follow them on Facebook
20 September – Culture Night – Beara Film Fest
Beara Film Fest is celebrating Cork Culture Night with screenings of eight short films that featured at this year’s BFF at site of St Peter’s Church. Admission is free! Screening starts 8pm sharp, doors open 7.30pm.
21 September – Allihies 5 Mile Run 2.30pm
It’s time to lace up the runners and support the Allihies 5 Mile Run. Run or walk, fast or slow it doesn’t matter – get out and active and take in beautiful scenery on your way. Entry is only €10 and profits go to Allihies Hall. This year there is the added incentive of that medal available when you’ve completed all three races in the series.
21 September – The Ardgroom 4k Swim
It’s time to lace up the runners and support the Allihies 5 Mile Run. Run or walk, fast or slow it doesn’t matter – get out and active and take in beautiful scenery on your way. Entry is only €10 and profits go to Allihies Hall. This year there is the added incentive of that medal available when you’ve completed all three races in the series.
23 October – Smoking Cessation Group
Have you decided you want to quit smoking? Beara West Family Resource Centre, in partnership with Berehaven Pharmacy and Beara Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, host a free Smoking Cessation Support Group for people who need support to quit.
Over seven sessions we help members plan and prepare to give themselves the best chance to quit, anticipate and manage withdrawal symptoms and maintain a new healthier lifestyle.
Our first group had five participants and registration is now open for the next group. The group meets weekly at 4.30 on Wednesdays. The sessions are due to start Wednesday October 23rd with the last session being Wednesday 4th December – There is no cost but booking is essential. Sessions cover theories of change, resources for support and tactics for committing to quitting! To register call 027 70998 or email
27 October Allihies Hall Afternoon Tea Dance with music from Two of A Kind
Tickets are just €10 for this great event which hits at least four of our Five Ways to Wellbeing! Connect with others, keep active, learn a few new steps, and also give to great causes – all profits go to Allihies Hall and Allihies Inspires festival!
Tickets are Available for John Terry’s Shop, O’Neil’s, Jimmy’s Bar and the Lighthouse Bar.
29 November – Poetry Club
Poetry Club @ The White Room 8pm
Disclaimer: The website is an information resource about wellbeing.
The material contained on this website is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute care, treatment or other professional advice. Due to the general nature of the information on this site, should you require specific help, you should seek the assistance of an appropriately trained professional person.
While every care has been taken in the preparation of the information, due to the nature of the website, the information may not be complete, correct or up to date. Please contact Activity providers for validation of information.
Please contact should you wish to have information update or removed from this website.
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Need to talk?
Click HereThe Wellbeing Network, West Cork
National Learning Network Bantry t: 027 51027 e:
Kevin O'Shanahan t: 086 7872481 e: