Tips to help you develop a regular sleeping pattern.
- Timing: Go to bed and get up at the same time each day.
- Be active: Get regular exercise but try to avoid exercise in the hour before bed time.
- Avoid stimulants: Avoid caffeinated drinks (tea and coffee), or foods high in sugar, in the evenings.
- Relax: Try to relax with 10 deep breathes or breathing exercises when in bed. Using essential oils can help with relaxation – The smell of lavender oil also helps with relaxation – try sprinkling a few drops on your pillow.
- Give Yourself Wind down time: Have a bedtime routine and wind down time before going to bed. Turn off all technology and do something restful such as gentle stretches or taking a warm bath.
- No naps: If possible, avoid naps during the day.
- Get comfy: Your bedroom should be a comfortable temperature. If it is too hot or too cold, it may make it more difficult for you to sleep.
- Slow Down the pace of your day: Reading in bed, meditation or listening to a mindfulness podcast can focus your mind and empty it of the day’s worries.
Being tired makes it harder to cope and everyday life becomes a much greater challenge when you’re tired. Over time, this can affect your self-esteem and overall wellbeing. You may become lonely, emotional or even agitated with those around you – just because you are tired. Tiredness may cause you to skip on going out and other social activities, meaning you might see less people. Becoming isolated can lead to further challenges to your wellbeing. Sleep deprivation (lack of sleep) may impact your mood and energy level.
If you’re going through problems, such as stress, depression or anxiety, this can make it harder to sleep and so the cycle continues.
Some medication may also cause sleep disturbances so it is important to let your doctor know if your medication keeps you awake or makes you too sleepy.
Developing a regular sleep pattern is very important for our everyday wellbeing. It is crucial to be educated about getting sufficient sleep and having this ground work done in advance of any traumas or set backs to your wellbeing. Developing a routine and getting sufficient sleep can stand to you in the long run and protect your wellbeing!
So if you aren’t asleep at this point, what changes are you going to make to look after your wellbeing?
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The Wellbeing Network, West Cork
National Learning Network Bantry t: 027 51027 e:
Kevin O'Shanahan t: 086 7872481 e: